Airport codes

Airport codes Alabama, United States (US)

RegionAlabama (Read more about Alabama)
CountryUnited States (Read more about United States)
ISO country codeUS
Moton Field Municipal Airport 06A
MOTON FLD MUNI 32° 27' 37.70" N 085° 40' 48.13" W
Moundville Airport L44 32° 58' 05.449" N 087° 38' 26.028" W
Mount Aero Lake Farm Airport 2AL7 34° 03' 46.000" N 086° 43' 23.000" W
Mountain Village Airport KMOU MOU 62° 5' 0" N 163° 44' 0" W
Murphy's Pullout Seaplane Base 8K9
Muscle Shoals/NW Alabama Regional Airport KMSL MSL
Myrtle Creek Airport 60Z
Nakeen Airport 76Z
Naknek Airport 5NK
Nancy Lake Seaplane Base 78Z
Napakiak Airport KWNA WNA 60° 42' 0" N 162° 7' 0" W
Napaskiak Airport KPKA PKA
Nelson Lagoon Airport KNLG NLG 56° 1' 0" N 161° 9' 0" W
Nenana Municipal Airport PANN ENN 64° 33' 0" N 149° 5' 0" W
New Horizon Airport AL29 34° 07' 45.350" N 086° 37' 59.976" W
New Stuyahok Airport KKNW KNW 59° 32' 0" N 157° 20' 0" W
Newtok Airport KEWU EWU
Newtok Seaplane Base PAEW WWT 60° 56' 0" N 164° 38' 0" W
Nichin Cove Seaplane Base AK62
Niklason Lake Estates Airport 3AK2
Niklason Lake Seaplane Base 4AK0
Nikolai Creek Airport 9AK3
Nikolski Air Station KIKO IKO 52° 57' 0" N 168° 52' 0" W
Ninilchik Airport KNIN NIN 60° 3' 0" N 151° 40' 0" W
Nixon Fork Mine Airport AK40
Noatak Airport PAWN WTK 67° 35' 0" N 163° 0' 0" W
Nome Airport PAOM OME 64° 31' 0" N 165° 26' 0" W
Nome City Field Airport 94Z
Nome MET Radar Site PAME
Nondalton Airport 5NN
North Douglas Heliport 18AK
North Jackson Hosp Heliport 10AL
North Pickens Airport 3M8 33° 23' 12.310" N 088° 00' 23.685" W
North Whale Seaplane Base KWWP WWP
North Whale Seaplane Base 96Z
Northstar Heliport PAUD 90AK
Northway Airport PAOR ORT 62° 57' 0" N 141° 57' 0" W
NORTHWEST ALABAMA RGNL 34° 44' 43.153" N 087° 36' 36.836" W
Nugget Bench Airport 33AK

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