Airport codes

Airport codes Plainfield, United States (US)

CityPlainfield (Read more about Plainfield)
CountryUnited States (Read more about United States)
ISO country codeUS
Air-Wood Heliport NH19 43° 32' 35.256" N 072° 21' 08.328" W
Hollanders Heliport NH29 43° 34' 55.260" N 072° 12' 11.320" W
Plainfield Intl Airport 5WI2 44° 13' 20.901" N 089° 29' 43.437" W
PSI Heliport 2II4 39° 42' 40.163" N 086° 23' 07.977" W
Riley's Field Airport LL51 41° 36' 15.107" N 088° 16' 25.240" W
Runway Leasing Inc Nr 1 Airport 8WI2 44° 13' 28.899" N 089° 31' 51.432" W
Sharkey Heliport 93NH
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