Airport codes

Airport codes Alberta, Canada (CA)

RegionAlberta (Read more about Alberta)
CountryCanada (show all 1726 airports in Canada)
ISO country codeCA
Jasper Railway Station XDH
Jasper-Hinton Airport CYJA YJA
Josephburg Airport CFB6
Kananaskis Village Heliport CFE7
Killam-Sedgewick Airport CEK6
Kirkby Field CFX8
Labrie Field CEH3
Lac La Biche Airport CYLB YLB 54° 45' 24" N 112° 0' 9" W
LACOMBE CEG3 52° 29' 18.00" N 113° 42' 44.00" W
Leismer Airport CET2
Lethbridge Airport CYQL YQL 49° 37' 49.00" N 112° 47' 59.00" W
Lethbridge Regional Hospital Heliport CLH4
Lichtner Farms CSP3
Lloydminster Airport CYLL YLL 53° 18' 33.00" N 110° 04' 21.00" W
Madge Airport CFQ3
MANNING CFX4 56° 57' 03.00" N 117° 38' 39.00" W
McNeill Conoco Philips CFL2
Medicine Hat Airport CYXH YXH 50° 01' 08.00" N 110° 43' 15.00" W
Metropolitan Area YEA
Mildred Lake Airport CER4
Misericordia Community Hosp Heliport CMC2
Municipal Airport CEG4
Municipal Airport CFB4
Namao Field CYED YED 53° 19' 10" N 113° 36' 0" W
Netook Airport CFK6
Oil Fields Genl Hospital Heliport CFL3
Okotoks Airpark CFX2
Ostergard Airport CDO2
Our Lady of the Rosary Hosp Heliport CCR7
Oyen Municipal CED3
Park Compound Heliport CBP2
Peace River Airport CYPE YPE 56° 13' 37.00" N 117° 26' 50.00" W
PELICAN CFT8 56° 09' 39.00" N 113° 28' 25.00" W
Pincher Creek Airport CZPC WPC 49° 31' 14.00" N 113° 59' 50.00" W
PROVOST CEH6 52° 20' 17.00" N 110° 16' 44.00" W
Rainbow Lake Airport CYOP YOP 58° 29' 29.00" N 119° 24' 30.00" W
Red Deer Industrial Airport CYQF YQF 52° 11' 0" N 113° 54' 0" W
RED EARTH CREEK CEH5 56° 32' 47.00" N 115° 16' 27.00" W
Regional Hospital Centre Heliport CRD3
Rocky Mountain House Airport CYRM YRM 52° 25' 47.00" N 114° 54' 15.00" W

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