Airport codes

Airport codes Illinois, United States (US)

RegionIllinois (Read more about Illinois)
CountryUnited States (Read more about United States)
ISO country codeUS
William E. Koenig Airport 01IS 39° 00' 58.170" N 090° 19' 05.407" W
Williams Airpark Airport 30LL 39° 45' 15.166" N 090° 21' 55.444" W
Williams Airport IL52 40° 26' 21.158" N 091° 08' 38.515" W
Williamson Airport 6LL0
Williamson Airport 28LL 39° 27' 37.141" N 088° 52' 06.267" W
Williamson County Regional Airport KMWA MWA 37° 45' 11.287" N 089° 00' 41.749" W
WILLIS 42° 01' 50.099" N 088° 42' 06.320" W
WIlson Airport 62IS 40° 05' 15.126" N 087° 54' 27.113" W
Wilts Airport LL52
Winchester Airport 38IS 40° 34' 55.149" N 091° 21' 30.546" W
Wind Rose Farm Airport IS57 42° 10' 47.084" N 088° 39' 58.000" W
WITTENBERG 39° 21' 13.137" N 088° 36' 23.203" W
Wix Airport 03IL 41° 24' 08.119" N 087° 49' 00.168" W
WM Quinton RLA Airport 9IL3 40° 16' 55.133" N 089° 01' 45.294" W
Wolf Lake Airport 17IL
Wolford's Airport IL01 40° 47' 33.140" N 090° 26' 17.466" W
Woodlake Landing Airport IS65 41° 38' 18.108" N 088° 38' 40.275" W
Woodley Aerial Spray Airport IS73 41° 31' 57.000" N 089° 42' 07.000" W
Workinger Seaplane Base 8IL7
Wormley Airport 85LL 41° 41' 02.106" N 088° 15' 44.245" W
Young Airport 6LL2 41° 09' 52.129" N 090° 33' 26.482" W
Zea Mays Field Airport 54IS 41° 31' 36.125" N 089° 25' 05.332" W
Zelmer Memorial Airpark Airport 5K1
ZELMER MEMORIAL AIRPARK INC 39° 25' 12.171" N 089° 59' 28.383" W
Zoomer Field Airport 1LL8 40° 47' 20.130" N 087° 33' 30.102" W

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