Airport codes

Airport codes United States (US)

CountryUnited States (Read more about United States)
ISO country codeUS
CAPE LISBURNE LRRS 68° 52' 30.476" N 166° 06' 36.076" W
CAPE MAY CGAS 38° 56' 43.405" N 074° 52' 58.614" W
Cape May CGS/WOS N91
Cape May Coast Guard Air Station KNMK NMK
Cape May County Airport KWWD WWD 39° 0' 0" N 74° 55' 0" W
Cape Neddick CGLS/WOS 27B
CAPE NEWENHAM LRRS 58° 38' 47.144" N 162° 03' 45.999" W
Cape Newhenham LRRS PAEH EHM
Cape Pole Airport Z71
Cape Pole Seaplane Base KCZP CZP 55° 58' 0" N 133° 47' 0" W
CAPE ROMANZOF LRRS 61° 46' 49.072" N 166° 02' 19.486" W
Cape Romanzof LRRS PACZ CZF
CAPE SABINE 69° 01' 27.648" N 163° 51' 26.154" W
Cape Sabine Airport Z53
Cape San Blas CG Loran Stn/WOS 1J4
CAPE SARICHEF 54° 34' 56.752" N 164° 54' 52.131" W
Cape Sarichef Airport 26AK
CAPE SIMPSON 71° 03' 31.604" N 154° 45' 02.227" W
Cape Simpson Airport 0AK2
CAPE SPENCER C.G. 58° 11' 56.647" N 136° 38' 19.718" W
Cape Spencer Coast Guard Heliport PACA CSP
Cape Vincent MARS 95B
Capeletti Heliport 84FL 25° 55' 31.338" N 080° 17' 59.181" W
Capen Airport 2MI9 43° 37' 27.095" N 085° 19' 04.136" W
Capital Airport KSPI SPI 39° 51' 0" N 89° 41' 0" W
CAPITAL CENTER 41° 49' 44.360" N 071° 24' 49.203" W
Capital City Aiport KHAR HAR 40° 12' 57" N 76° 51' 7" W
Capital City Airport KFFT FFT 38° 11' 55" N 84° 54' 22" W
Capital City Airport KLAN LAN 42° 47' 0" N 84° 35' 0" W
Capital Region Med Ctr Heliport MU64
CAPITAL REGION MEDICAL CENTER 38° 33' 15.122" N 092° 12' 02.659" W
Capitol Airport 02C 43° 05' 15.036" N 088° 10' 40.329" W
Capitol Medical Center WN58 47° 02' 36.346" N 122° 57' 03.510" W
Capitol National Bank Building Heliport 04TA 30° 16' 15.750" N 097° 44' 41.019" W
Capozzoli Airport LA42 30° 21' 00.695" N 090° 55' 20.358" W
CAPPS 34° 34' 50.337" N 091° 58' 05.503" W
Capra Farms Heliport 8FL7 29° 41' 07.878" N 082° 28' 33.395" W
Capri Heliport CO32 39° 51' 09.948" N 104° 58' 35.927" W
Capt. G. Allan Hancock Field/Santa Maria Airport KSMX SMX
Capt. Jack Thomas/El Dorado Airport KEQA EQA 37° 46' 26.790" N 096° 49' 03.460" W

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