Airport codes

Airport codes Brazil (BR)

CountryBrazil (show all 760 airports in Brazil)
ISO country codeBR
IBITINGA 21° 44' 50.20" S 048° 51' 20.50" W
IBOTIRAMA 12° 10' 07.00" S 043° 13' 19.54" W
IGARAPE BAHIA 06° 02' 52.57" S 050° 34' 48.47" W
IGUATU QIG 06° 20' 47.90" S 039° 17' 37.60" W
IJUI 28° 22' 07.16" S 053° 50' 47.65" W
ILHA DO CARACARA 17° 27' 31.00" S 056° 50' 26.00" W
Ilha Solteira ILB 20° 23' 0" S 51° 20' 0" W
Ilheus Metropolitan Area SBWL
Imperatriz SBIZ IMP 5° 30' 0" S 47° 25' 0" W
INDEPENDENCIA 22° 16' 45.21" S 053° 23' 00.75" W
Internacional SBPL PNZ 9° 23' 0" S 40° 30' 0" W
International SBTT TBT 3° 57' 0" S 38° 42' 0" W
International CPQ 23° 0' 0" S 47° 8' 0" W
International SBMQ MCP 0° 4' 0" N 51° 4' 0" W
International SBPK PET 31° 43' 0" S 52° 19' 0" W
International SBPP PMG 22° 32' 0" S 55° 44' 0" W
Intl. Airport Corumba SBCR CMG 19° 0' 41" S 57° 40' 1" W
Intl. Airpt. Cruzeiro Do Sul SBCZ CZS 7° 35' 58" S 72° 46' 10" W
Intl. Airpt. Marechal Rondon SBCY CGB 15° 39' 11" S 56° 7' 0" W
Ipiau IPU 14° 10' 25.02" S 039° 41' 02.89" W
Ipiranga IPG 02° 56' 20.66" S 069° 41' 38.51" W
Irece IRE 11° 20' 23.58" S 041° 50' 49.28" W
IRMAOS RIBEIRO 22° 09' 29.09" S 046° 46' 31.01" W
ITABERABA 12° 29' 59.83" S 040° 16' 11.47" W
Itabuna ITN 14° 48' 37.98" S 039° 17' 25.58" W
Itacoatiara SBIC ITA 03° 07' 38.12" S 058° 28' 52.27" W
Itaituba SBIH ITB 04° 14' 32.43" S 056° 00' 02.41" W
Itambacuri ITI 18° 1' 0" S 41° 42' 0" W
Itaperuna ITP 21° 13' 09.36" S 041° 52' 33.32" W
ITAPESSOCA 07° 39' 21.64" S 034° 51' 23.43" W
ITAPETINGA QIT 15° 14' 40.04" S 040° 16' 37.90" W
ITAPEVA 23° 56' 28.98" S 048° 52' 54.37" W
ITAPICURU 04° 30' 47.86" S 044° 01' 12.62" W
ITAPOLIS 21° 36' 01.26" S 048° 49' 58.76" W
ITAPORANGA 07° 18' 41.98" S 038° 06' 45.69" W
Itaqui ITQ 29° 10' 0" S 56° 32' 0" W
ITUACU 13° 49' 42.01" S 041° 18' 08.12" W
Itubera ITE 13° 42' 0" S 39° 12' 0" W
ITUIUTABA 18° 59' 59.26" S 049° 29' 12.16" W
ITUVERAVA 20° 22' 31.75" S 047° 46' 07.38" W

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